Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keep Energy Costs Down Using Simple Solutions By J. M. Kotinek

If you are tired of receiving high electric bills then you need to try these cost-effective strategies. They are easy to implement; and the results can be seen immediately.

We like to be comfortable in our own homes. However, we can adjust ourselves a few degrees.

Tip number one: ADJUST YOUR THERMOSTAT! If you keep your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer, you will see a huge savings. Energy companies recommend that thermostats be kept at 78 degrees. During the colder months, turn it down a few degrees. Buy a couple of cheap throw blankets to take any "chill" off. It may be an initial investment, but it is one that will definitely pay for itself.

Tip number two: Get a programmable thermostat. The great thing about programmable thermostats is that they can be programmed! Program the thermostat to keep a steady higher temperature during the day (during the summer), or a lower temperature during the colder months. An hour before you are due to be home, have the temperature adjust to your normal setting. Sometimes the air filter is in a hard to reach place. That doesn't excuse you from changing it.

Tip number three: Change your filter on a monthly schedule. Choose a specific day when it will be done so it becomes routine. A dirty/clogged filter means the A/C or Heater have to work twice as hard. This costs you money. By implementing these strategies, you will see your electric bills decrease. They are easy to do.

For more great tips on how to save money visit

J. M. Kotinek

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Compact Group

The compact group started in San Francisco under the premise that members would refrain from buying into the consumer culture for a year. It has since increased its membership to more than 9,000 members. As economic worries continue to increase, more and more Compact Groups are being established around the U.S.

What exactly is involved with a compact group?

Number one on the list of Do Not's is to stop buying the frivolous items. These would include stops to Starbuck's, dry cleaning all of your clothes, shopping binges at electronic and clothing stores. No more scented lotions, specialized shampoos, cell phone or ipod accessories, and definately no more entertainment games for the kids. Forget buying the latest Madden Football PS2, Xbox game.

However, the group will be the first to acknowledge that there aren't really any rules, other than to just try to curb your spending. The assumption is that by curbing the unrestricted budgets of yesterday, today the savings begin. For the most part, common sense prevails as consumers make necessary adjustments. Instead of making 2 or 3 trips for certain items, combine the trips to save on gas. Walk instead of drive. Trade the SUV or Truck for a hybrid or more economically suited mode of transportation.

In short, the Compact Group adheres to the policy of "Think before you spend." Do you really need it or is it more of an unnecessary want. Saying "no" is okay. It will be the little changes that will save the most money. Don't drive thru the fast food lane, instead go home and make an easy, affordable dinner using items in your pantry.

Once you begin to make the small changes in your spending habits you will notice a difference in your mind set. A whole new perspective opens up and making wise spending choices becomes easier and, more importantly, more economical.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

High Energy Bills! By Bill Prudehome

We are all facing increasing energy bills. Gas, electricity, fuel oil costs are increasing year after year and there is nothing in our future that would suggest that this will change.

There are many things that can be done in and around your home to reduce energy consumption and hence reduce energy costs.

The U.S. government has created a joint program called ENERGY STAR. Energy Star is a collaboration of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, its mandate is to identify and work with manufacturers to create products, and best practices in order to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment.

The average family in the U.S. spends $1,900 a year on energy consumption. Look at the EPA Energy Star ratings of all the items that you purchase. By purchasing wisely, you can save more than 35 percent on energy consumption without loosing any features and benefits of an item. For the average family that is more that $600 per year. Energy Star ratings are available for the following items.

Heating and Cooling
Home Envelope
Home Electronics
Home Office Equipment

Energy conservation does not only mean buying low power consumption appliances and other items. Every day we loose substantial amounts of energy by inefficient, poorly maintained equipment. Heat and cooling losses due to air ducts not being properly sealed, clogged air filters and loose fan belts are just a few of the ways we consume fuel unnecessarily.

Poor attic ventilation, windows, and doors that are not sealed properly, lack of insulation in floors, walls and attics all lead to higher energy consumption.

Half loads of laundry, leaving air conditioning systems on when away from home and inefficient water heaters add up to hundred’s of dollars a year in wasted energy.

Reduce Your Summer Energy Bills Up To 30% by Sam Greyhawk

During the hottest summer months demand for electricity increases substantially. Why? In response to rising temperatures many people turn to their air conditioners. In the hottest, summer months, your AC can be responsible for up to 90% of your monthly utility bill. All that electricity adds up, according to the Department of Energy 11% of all residential electricity is consumed by air conditioning.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a great way to reduce your electricity usage, and by improving the efficiency of your air conditioner you can significantly reduce your summer electricity bills. How can you improve your air conditioner efficiency? Thanks to new energy efficiency technologies it has never been easier.

Water Based Technologies

The Cool-N-Save, from Greenway Designs, uses "flash evaporated" water to improve the efficiency of your existing air conditioner. Cool-N-Save releases an ultra-fine mist into the air surrounding your AC unit. Through the process of adiabatic saturation the Cool-N-Save can reduce ambient temperatures around your AC unit by as much as 30 degrees. According to Tulane University this reduction in ambient air temperature "increases the overall efficiency of an air conditioning system and lowers electricity costs." By improving AC efficiency the Cool-N-Save can reduce your AC load by up to 30%.

Ice Based Technologies

The Ice Bear, from Ice Energy, uses ice to reduce daytime AC loads. While it does use electricity to make ice, the ice used by the Ice Bear is created at night, during off-peak hours. According to Ice Energy their ice based solution can improve AC efficiency by up 95% during the day-time. You can expect up to a 30% overall energy savings using the Ice Bear, according to the Department of Energy.

Saving Money and The Planet

Reducing your electricity usage does more than just save you money, it also helps the planet. Why? Generating electricity in the US is dirty business. In 2006, nearly half (49%) of the country's 4.1 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity used coal as its source of energy. Using less electricity translates into less coal being used. Coal pollutes during the mining process, when transported to the power plant, when stored, and when burned. Help fight global warming by reducing your summer energy usage.

Save Earth Tips by Pauline Go

The Earth is in danger. Do you want to save the world? You do not need to have superman’s strength to do it. There are many simple things that you can do to save the earth. For example, you can start by recycling aluminum can.

Here is a simple checklist of other things you can do to save the earth.

1) Look around your house to save energy. For example, close your windows and doors tightly. It will keep your air conditioning inside. If you find a leak, fix it. By cleaning your heating filters and air conditioner monthly, you can save the environment and money. You may save up to ten percent on your energy bills. Furthermore, it is good for your health.

2) Recycle your plastic, paper, and aluminum. Forty percent of all trashes are composed with recycle paper products.

3) Use energy efficient florescent bulbs. The energy efficient florescent bulbs only use one quarter of electricity of traditional bulbs. Furthermore, they last longer before burning out. Even though they might be more expensive, they are better in the long run.

4) Do not leave your water running while you brush your teeth. You waste nearly ten gallons of water.

5) If you do not need your light, turn it off.

6) Turn down your heater. Set it at 130 to 140 degrees.

Can one person really change things? Yes, one person can change things. Everyone can contribute to make a difference. The whole process is like a chain. When you do your part, the chain is connected.

The Most Energy Efficient Washers And Dryers by Christine Douglas

All homes use washers and dryers. Since the invention of these nifty little machines, life has been a lot easier for everyone. But as you know, they can suck the energy right out of your home if you are not careful. If you’re ready to purchase a new washer and dryer set, consider looking into getting the most energy efficient washers and dryers. This is a great way to save energy and in turn, save money.

Over its lifetime, a standard washer will cost more than $1,200 to operate and use around $675 in water costs! This is really something to consider when you are shopping for a new washer. Although you might be dishing out a little more when purchasing the most energy efficient washers and dryers, you can be sure you’ll see that money again on your energy bills. With an energy efficient washer, you’ll cut that bill down and conserve resources at the same time.

When you are shopping for the most energy efficient washers and dryers, there are several things to keep in mind. Try to find a washer that has several water level options, so that you can choose the right amount of water for the load you are doing. It’s also a good idea to purchase a washer with high spin speeds. When you spin the clothes at a faster speed, you extract more water and cut down on drying time. Some new dryers even have a moisture-sensor option, which shuts off as soon as the clothes are dry. This will save you energy and save your clothes from over-drying!

When you are shopping for the most energy efficient washers and dryers, you have a partner. A government program called Energy Star is on your side. This program seeks out the most energy efficient appliances, including washers and dryers, and stamps them with their approval. If you really want to save money and conserve energy, look for this label when you shop.

Energy efficient washers and dryers - Solar Energy Advantages is your source for information on renewable energy sources, solar panels, fountain pumps, home solar plans and information on how solar power works and can benefit your home and family. One of the ways that you can use solar heat without spending too much or converting your entire home to solar heating is with a solar heat exchanger. These are available for a wide variety of uses including solar pool heaters, sheds and hot water heaters.

How To Make Your Neighbor And Friends Jealous And At The Same Time Slash Your Energy Costs By Tu Tran

Changing your window to an energy efficient windows can have an incredible impact on improving the energy efficiency of your home. They can also make your home feel more comfortable and at the same time look pretty. Although they may cost more than regular windows, the energy saved can slash your energy bills and easily recover the extra expense.

Whenever you shop around for energy efficient windows, always look for the energy star label on them. The more stars it has, the more energy efficient the window. Normal windows can lose so much energy if they are not designed to be energy efficient. Energy efficient windows can have a significant effect on how much you pay each month on your utility bill. They can make your house more comfortable and warm.

Normal windows are one of the biggest factors when it comes to cold air and drafts coming into your home. This windows can make your home feel cold and zap your energy bills. There are other options you may choose when shopping for windows. You can have a choice between different shades of color and various materials.

Energy efficient windows are cost effective, add comfort to your home and can save on your energy bill. Do not consider them as an expense. They are an investment to your home. It can save you thousands of dollars in energy bills. Make sure you look at all of the options when choosing windows for your home and that the energy efficient windows you choose will meet your needs. These types of windows also will improve the appearance of your windows. If you don't already have energy efficient windows in your home you may want to update your home with new windows.